Bad RV

This is why we do what we do
We serve as an advocacy forum for other RVers seeking advice and remediation against both dealers and manufacturers who fail to meet their customer obligations.
“Bad RV” is dedicated to helping you avoid some of these bumps before you purchase an RV, and to providing information to help you remediate problems you encounter after the purchase.
Many of the bumps in your road to adventure may be caused by poor quality and reliability problems in whatever RV you purchase. Both manufacturers and dealers are woefully behind the curve when it comes to manufacturing quality and customer relations.
We are not lawyers, but we know how to sue. We have won two litigations against large, nationally known manufacturers. We didn’t want to sue, but their indifference to our complaints and stonewalling left us no choice. The show of even a little empathy on their part towards us could have helped both of these companies avoid costly legal fees.
Most of the RVers we know have a love-hate relationship with their rigs. They love the adventure and freedom and hate the poor quality and lack of customer service that pervade the industry. It is not uncommon for an RV to spend more time in the shop than on the road. Our last 40-foot diesel pusher is proof.
Walk through any brand-new RV at a trade show or in a dealer lot, and keep a careful eye out. You will note some or all of the following: doors that don’t close correctly, sawdust on the floor, screws or bolts lying around, carpeting not tacked down, squeaky or non-functioning slide-outs, unattached wires, lights that don’t work, paint flaws, etc.
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